
Actually the stock repositories offer an economic solution to those that cannot or do not want to hire an illustrator to do the job. The problem comes when we want to offer the illustrations a standard styling line. offers an open stock of illustrations with all the necessary information to represent any real life situation under one common style which can be purchased and delivered online. Our illustrations were primarily designed with the purpose of helping teachers and book creators better communicate with their textbooks. Our aim is to develop a stock repository that provides a modular reusable system created by collaborators with all the necessary resources to illustrate quickly and economically.

If you already read our Learner’s Guide Book, you know the basics about illustraStock. Now it is time to design! For each 6 family; Matrix, OpenCity, Perspective, 3Dimensions, iCons and ISOTYPE we have a method to follow. With the guidelines we created for you, you will be able to create your own designs.

In this book you will find the Reproductive approach, templates, content of templates, design process, conceptualisation, illustrate, technical recommendations, evaluation, exporting and uploading.

If you have any doubts, questions or recommendation please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

 The illustraStock Team


Designer's guide Copyright © by illustraStock. All Rights Reserved.

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