55 Templates: Matrix

IllustraStock have templates that boost the productivity. Matrix templates have different type of arboards for different situation but the same layers and common settings:

  • Empty (without an artboard),
  • Basic (different artboards sizes in different files),
  • Basic extended (different arboards sizes in different files with safe area),
  • Basic sizes (different arboard sizes in one file).
  • Basic sizes extended (different arboard sizes in one file with safe area).

The template works as with each subcategory alone as with integrating in one file different modules from different subcategories. But remember, one file offers components just for one scene.

For variations of the scene or the components, a new file must be created. Do not update the file with new components. If necesary, duplicate and modify.

That diversity allow the creation of differn type of illustrations under the same basic style.

The templates offers 50 artboards where the components can be isolated in front view, allowing once is exported to png to be used with raster software such Photoshop or MS Paint.

All of them use a 64px modular approach (created from the Measures scale).

Templates: Empty

Offers an empty canvas for the creation of illustrations. With no artboards, the teamplate offer all the settings ready for the fast creation of an illustration meanwhile the style is alienated with the collection. The scales 1:50 or 1:250


Templates: Basic

Basic templats offers a collection of 7 ready to use templates for the creation of illustrations where each template offers different arboard sizes. The scales 1:50 or 1:250 can be used.

The templates have 2 types of artboards: Exposition and WebSite artboards.

Exposition Arboards

Basic templates offers up to 7 size variatios for different uses and 50 artboards eachwhere the components can be isolated in front view.


The sizes are:

  • File 16-XXS: 16x16px,
  • File 32-XS: 32x32px,
  • File 64-S: 64x64px,
  • File 128-M: 128x128px
  • File 256-L: 256x256px,
  • File 512-XL: 512x512px,
  • File 1.024-XXL: 1.024px.

(Remember, the max artboard size for an Scenographies template is 272px ≈ 2,4m. And for the Skyline template is 320px ≈ 14,1m)

WebSite artboards

Basic templates offers 2 special artboards:

  • WebGrid: shows in the site what the customers pay for. The size is optimice for two different pictures,  a catalog image and a feature image of the file.
  • WebPreview: is used as a feature image in the download page. That image offers a representation of the components or scenes the customer will download. WebGrid is used as a catalog image. Remember, the catalog image have fix proportions 740x600px.


Templates: Basic extended

Basic  extended templatesoffers a collection of 7 ready to use templates for the creation of illustrations where each template offers different arboard sizes and a safe area. The scales 1:50 or 1:250 can be used.

The templates have 2 types of artboards: Exposition and WebSite artboards.

Exposition Arboards

Basic extended templates offers up to 7 variatios for different uses. All of them use an arboard safe area of 8px. The templates offers 50 artboards where the components can be isolated in front view.


The sizes are:

  • File 16+8-XXS: 16x16px,
  • File 32+8-XS: 32x32px,
  • File 64+8-S: 64x64px,
  • File 128+8-M: 128x128px
  • File 256+8-L: 256x256px,
  • File 512+8-XL: 512x512px,
  • File 1.024+8-XXL: 1.024px.

(Remember, the max artboard size for an Scenographies template is 272px ≈ 2,4m And for the Skyline template is 320px ≈ 14,1m)

WebSite artboards

  • Shows in the site what the customers pay for. The size is optimice for two different pictures,  a catalog image and a feature image of the file.
  • WebPreview is used as a feature image in the download page. That image offers the full representation of all the components or scenes the customer will download.
    WebGrid is used as a catalog image. Remember, the catalog image have fix proportions 740x600px.


Templates: Basic sizes

Basic sizes templates offers a ready to use template for the creation of illustrations where the template offers 6 different sizes of artboards. The scales 1:50 or 1:250 can be used.

The templates have 2 types of artboards: Exposition and WebSite artboards.

Exposition Arboards

Basic sizes templates offers up to 6 variations of artboards for differents cases. The templates offers 65 artboards where the components can be isolated in front view.


The sizes are:

  • 24 Artboards type A: 32x32px,
  • 15 Artboards type B: 64x64px,
  • 12 Artboards type C: 96x96px,
  • 7 Artboards type D: 160x160px,
  • 5 Artboards type E: 224x224px,
  • 2 Artboards type F: 352x352px.

(Remember, the max artboard size for an Scenographies template is 272px ≈ 2,4m. An Skyline template is 320px ≈ 14,1m)

WebSite artboards

Shows in the site what the customers pay for. The size is optimice for two different pictures,  a catalog image and a feature image of the file.

  • WebPreview is used as a feature image in the download page. That image offers the full representation of all the components or scenes the customer will download.
  • WebGrid is used as a catalog image. Remember, the catalog image have fix proportions 740x600px.


Templates: Basic sizes extended

Basic sizes extended template offers a ready to use template for the creation of illustrations where the template offers 6 different sizes of artboards. The scales 1:50 or 1:250 can be used.

The templates have 2 types of artboards: Exposition and WebSite artboards.

Exposition Arboards

Basic sizes extended template offers up to 6 variations of artboards for differents cases. All of them use an arboard safe area of 8px. The templates offers 65 artboards where the components can be isolated in front view.


The sizes are:

  • 24 Artboards type A: 40x40px (working area 32x32px),
  • 15 Artboards type B: 72x72px (working area 64x64px),
  • 12 Artboards type C: 104x104px (working area 96x96px),
  • 7 Artboards type D: 168x168px (working area 160x160px),
  • 5 Artboards type E: 232x232px (working area 224x224px),
  • 2 Artboards type F: 360x360px (working area 352x352px).

(Remember, the max artboard size for an Scenographies template is 272px ≈ 2,4m. An Skyline template is 320px ≈ 14,1m)

WebSite artboards

Shows in the site what the customers pay for. The size is optimice for two different pictures,  a catalog image and a feature image of the file.

  • WebPreview is used as a feature image in the download page. That image offers the full representation of all the components or scenes the customer will download.
  • WebGrid is used as a catalog image. Remember, the catalog image have fix proportions 740x600px.


Templates: Basic scenes


Basic sizes template offers a ready to use template for the creation of illustrations where the template offers 6 different sizes of artboards. The scales 1:50 or 1:250 can be used.

The templates have 2 types of artboards: Exposition and WebSite artboards.

Exposition Arboards

Basic sizes template offers up to 6 variations of artboards for differents cases. The templates offers 65 artboards where the components can be isolated in front view.


The sizes are:

  • 15 Arboards type A: 16x16px,
  • 20 Artboards type B: 32x32px,
  • 13 Artboards type C: 64x64px,
  • 11 Artboards type D: 96x96px,
  • 5 Artboards type E: 128x128px,
  • 4 Artboards type F: 200x200px,
  • 4 Artboards type G: 272x272px.
  • 2 Artboards type H: 384x272px (2x scene).
  • 1 Artboards type I: 768x272px (4x scene).

(Remember, the max artboard size for an Scenographies template is 272px ≈ 2,4m. An Skyline template is 320px ≈ 14,1m)

WebSite artboards

Shows in the site what the customers pay for. The size is optimice for two different pictures,  a catalog image and a feature image of the file.

  • WebPreview is used as a feature image in the download page. That image offers the full representation of all the components or scenes the customer will download.
  • WebGrid is used as a catalog image. Remember, the catalog image have fix proportions 740x600px.


Templates: Basic scenes extended

Basic sizes extended template offers a ready to use template for the creation of illustrations where the template offers 6 different sizes of artboards. The scales 1:50 or 1:250 can be used.

The templates have 2 types of artboards: Exposition and WebSite artboards.

Exposition Arboards

Basic sizes extended template offers up to 6 variations of artboards for differents cases. All of them use an arboard safe area of 8px. The templates offers 65 artboards where the components can be isolated in front view.The sizes are:

  • 15 Arboards type A: 24x24px (working area 16x16px),
  • 20 Artboards type B: 40x40px (working area 32x32px),
  • 13 Artboards type C: 72x72px (working area 64x64px),
  • 11 Artboards type D: 104x104px (working area 96x96px),
  • 5 Artboards type E: 136x136px (working area 128x128px),
  • 4 Artboards type F: 208x208px (working area 200x200px),
  • 4 Artboards type G: 272x272px,
  • 2 Artboards type H: 384x272px (2x scene).
  • 1 Artboards type I: 768x272px (4x scene).

(Remember, the max artboard size for an Scenographies template is 272px ≈ 2,4m. An Skyline template is 320px ≈ 14,1m)

WebSite artboards

Shows in the site what the customers pay for. The size is optimice for two different pictures,  a catalog image and a feature image of the file.

  • WebPreview is used as a feature image in the download page. That image offers the full representation of all the components or scenes the customer will download.
  • WebGrid is used as a catalog image. Remember, the catalog image have fix proportions 740x600px.


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